Thursday, October 4, 2012

Encouraging Bloggers (And Would-be Bloggers)

In my last post I 'reviewed' (my version of reviewing is like my version of research - meaning it would be derided by anyone with any skill for or dedication to either) the book Blog, by Hugh Hewitt. He made several interesting points that I thought merit consideration.
    One of the things he stated in his book is that, although many people feel the trend has been going so long, it's not worth joining now, it is never too late to start a blog. If you have something you want to share, whether with a certain target audience or just randomly, blogging is a worthwhile effort, and can be very effective.
   Some of the simple pieces of advice he gives are:

    Link freely - this helps readers find other interesting or useful information.
    Keep most blog posts short.
    Post often - so any regular followers you have will keep checking in for new stuff.
    Be generous in praise and attribution - I really like this, because I am a positive person and like to promote others accomplishments, qualities, etc.
    Keep titles short - so they are easy to remember and type in. I feel this is also true of blog names/addresses.
Hewitt, a very experienced and successful blogger, makes a point of saying that being a technophobe is no deterrent. He is so technology challenged that people heckle him for the simplicity of his blog - but traffic on his blog is off the charts. If you don't think starting a blog is easy, try it. (I did this and found myself with a blog unintentionally). To prove his point, Hewitt mentioned that he was blogging for 2 years before he leaned how to use spellcheck on his blog posts. I am hopeless with learning anything computer related and that only took me 14 months.

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