Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Positive Aspects of Self-publishing E-books

     Everyone has an opinion on the traditional vs. self-published debate, but I think there needs to be a specific distinction between "traditional" self-publishing of print books and e-publishing. Self-publishing print books requires the author to pay for the printing, store the books and carry them around to venues where they can sell them. E-publishing requires none of that.
      As far as I can see, there is no longer any benefit at all to traditional publishing. Most of the money you earn goes to the agent and publisher, while you have to do all your own promotion. In many cases that involves the same effort as those who self-publish in regard to setting up readings and signings and literally hand-selling your books out of a box.
     Additionally, it takes months or even years for your book to be available to readers. You have to negotiate with editors about revisions and often you don't get to choose the title or cover of your book
     Self-publishing e-books is easy, fast - and FREE. You have total control over content, edits and presentation. You get to keep most of the money you earn. You still have to do your own marketing promotion, but all writers, however their books are published, have to do that to be successful. And if people want a print copy of your book, e-books can also be made available in print form.
    What used to be the only drawback to self-publishing e-books was that people thought all such books were poor quality. Very few people still feel that way, especially with many bestselling writers switching to e-publishing and strongly promoting e-publishing in general.
    If your book is good, it can become a phenomenal success, be offered in print form, make tons of money and be on the bestseller lists - all without the trouble involved with securing a traditional publishing contract. In my opinion there are only positive aspects of self-publishing e-books.



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