Tuesday, November 13, 2012

When Things Calm Down

Except for blogging, I haven't worked on my writing in weeks - which at this point adds up to months. Not editing, not rough-drafting, not researching markets, not outlining. I haven't even participated in my writers group flash fiction contest.
     I keep thinking when things calm down - which of course they never do (dad's health is better, moving is almost done, horse show season is over for the year, I'm settled into new job and NOW I have the flu) - something would inspire me to get back to it. Interestingly, it's not so much that I miss the writing itself, although I do. The main thing I'm missing is my characters.
     I've always been anxious to finish one book (or book-related short story), so I can go on to the next adventure. Kind of like reading a series and anticipating the next installment, even though I am the author.
     I like to think one day my readers will feel this way about spending time with my characters and wanting to know what's going on in my characters fictional world. But in order for that to happen, I need to get book two edited and published. And do some marketing. And get started on book three. Essentially, all the things I'm not doing. (I give myself some credit for getting this blog posted while I'm feeling so miserable, but I did miss posting both times last week. Sigh.)
     Don't be like me. There is always something that will keep you from doing what you want and what you love. There may never be a "good" time to start, continue, or return to whatever it is. I have to teach myself to work through the challenges that life will continue to throw my way. I hope everyone else has an easier time with this than I do.


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