I have three websites (see bottom of post). One is my author website, updated and maintained by a professional web designer. Two I created myself, one for my book series and one for my series of short stories. I can't easily check the viewing stats of my author site, but I check the others daily.
I promote my book site all the time, in as many ways as I can think of. I do very little for my story site, but there are links to it on my other two sites and the address is also on all my blog posts. I have no idea if the traffic to either of my websites is from my marketing it, others talking about it or from people randomly coming across it while surfing. (As far as I can tell, checking the available feature to see where your views are coming from is useless.)
Since I don't actively make people aware of my story site, I am amazed that the views for it are nearly always twice what the views are on my book site. I have a ridiculous theory about it. My book series is called Daylight's End. Not a terribly cheery or uplifting title - it indicates the end of daylight and coming darkness - but it does have the word daylight in it.
My short story series is called Trust In Darkness, which to me is very...well, dark. Kind of gothic and creepy. The idea of trusting in darkness makes me think of moving toward the side of evil, turning away from the light. (That's not the basis for the stories - the premise is that not all things we perceive as dangerous really are. Sometimes the opposite.)
So I have this idea that if people are coming across the name Trust In Darkness, they are more curious to check out the site than if they come across the less morbid sounding Daylight's End. Maybe I'm taking a negative view or maybe it's true that human nature is drawn to things that look or sound potentially gruesome. If my idea is valid, it may be something to keep in mind when choosing titles or ways of marketing your writing.
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