Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blogging Topics

 Many months ago, a writer friend sent folks in our writers' group a list of 100 topics to blog about. They were generic things like response to an article you read, details about a trip you took, a dream or an event. It made me think: If you need to find something to blog about, why bother?
    If you google ideas for blog topics most of them suggest posting about various things in your "niche" (in my case that would be writing) and tend to be business oriented; ways of marketing your product or service, increasing productivity, things you've learned about certain aspects, etc.  (I have since wanted to find that generic list my friend sent out, to challenge myself to post something on each topic and somehow tie it to writing.)
   Having just this week once again returned to my writing, I am following the example of many of my friends who blog keeping to no schedule. They blog only when they have something to share, an idea or experience or whatever, that most other people can relate to: family life, jobs, everyday adventures like errands or school functions.
     I often find my blog posts somehow linking writing to other things in my life: family, riding, ordinary daily challenges. If I only blog when I feel driven to, maybe the posts will be more inspired.


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