Tuesday, July 19, 2011

About This Blogging Thing...

     I have a writer friend I admire very much, who blogs twice a week on a schedule, almost without fail. I like knowing when I can check her blog and be assured of something fun and enlightening to read. I have another writer friend who I admire very much who blogs on no set schedule, just whenever she feels like it, has time or has something to say. I love checking her blog and it's a nice surprise when she's written something new.
     I think blogging is good. If nothing else it is a chance to practice writing, conveying ideas and putting thoughts into words. Even better if you have something worthwhile to say, in my case passing along information that might be helpful or encouraging to writers.
     Being someone with very little self-discipline, I have a difficulty making good use of what little writing time I can eke out of my crazy life.  I have been trying to make and keep a schedule, but I'm not doing so well. I thought  it might help to plan to blog twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I managed to do that one time. Then last week's Thursday blog didn't get done until Sunday and Tuesday's was Wednesday and Thursday's was Friday...
     So I'm not sure this is helping me. It's good to make myself write when I don't feel like it, but I  suspect that I am using blogging as my writing excercise instead of working on the novel revisions I have to do.  I could adopt my other friend's practice of blogging regularly, but not according to a strict plan.
     I have another writer friend who is doing a blogging project and blogging every day for 30 days, but I also know she's writing several at once to post on different days. I could try that, but does it defeat the purpose of writing excercise or does it work like an assigment where does it not matter when you write something as long you get it finished by the deadline?
     Maybe I should stop debating this and go work on my damn novel...


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